Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday L.A.!!!

Lila turned 1 on Suday... where did the time go?? She is so big now, she starting to walk, she is finally crawling and she is taking whole milk, from the fridge, out of her big girl cup! No more bottles!! YAY!!! I can finally pitch them all. Still no teeth yet, but they gotta be coming soon, right??
She celebrated with a "garden party." Here is the cake made for her :)
Just a really cute picture of Aunt Sue and Preston!
The very sleepy Birthday Girl!! I had to wake her up only 45 minutes after I put her down, just so she could eat her cake, and we could get on with the party!!
She was such a GIRL when she ate her cake... barely even made a mess. She is always so dainty!!
Well, she made a little mess, but hey... she's ONE!!
Opening presents. A new book!!
Two of the silliest boys (and I say BOYS) that I know!
This tops the cake!

1 comment:

The Pack of 6 +1 Angel: said...

Oh how does time go by!!! You have been truly blessed with a beautiful little girl! Wish we could have been there to share her special day with you guys! :-( Love yaz! Eleisha

Love the new hair! And when I saw your video of Lila's past year all I could think about when you were in the hospital, how long and dark your hair was!!! LOL ;-)