Monday, September 22, 2008

Trip to Blacksburg!!

We went to Blacksburg Sept 12-14 for the VT/GT game ;) IT was a wonderful weekend, as it always is there, and to top it all off, the Hokies won!!! Yay! Here are some pics from our trip.

Mommy & Preston "all Hokied up" before the game!

The fam at the tailgate ;)

Mel & Ray

Future "Hokie Hottie," as Daddy likes to call the cheerleaders...

Look- I stand!!

Daddy and Lila Anne at the duck pond on campus. It's really pretty there :)

Preston climbing a tree.

Daddy and L.A.

Showing off her Hokie spirit.
Watching the ducks ;)

Checking out things on campus.
Buruss Hall, where Ray graduated from- that's the memorial right in front.
They did a beautiful job :)
Lila Anne- all packed up and ready to go home!

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