Monday, June 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!!!

I've been tagged by Meredith at to do my first meme! How exciting!
The Rules: Write a blog entry with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself.
Anddddddd.... GO!

1. I HAVE to kiss my hand and touch the roof of my car when I go through a yellow light!!!!
2. I have a freckle on my "ring finger" toe on my left foot :)
3. I used to SMOKE!!!!!!! YUCK, YUCK, YUCK!!!!
4. I say 50,000 prayers at night when I hear Lila cry out!!! "Please help her fall back asleep"... It almost always works :)
5. I was a Hawaiian Tropic Girl in my past life :)
6. I have been parasailing.
7. Ray and I said "I am falling in love with you" the day after we first met. I knew I would marry him. Really.
8. I was named "most talkative" in high school. Most people that know me now always say how quiet I am.....
9. I want to take some photography classes. You know I just love to get certified in things....
10. I truely LOVE my husband. He completes me like no other. I am sure of that. I am thankful everyday for the special bond we have.

There! Now my secrets are out :) Haha!! I have to tag 4 people now....
I tag:
Sue (or Brayden) at:
Leeanne (or Winston) at:
Eleisha (or Leo) at:
Jackson at:

Have Fun!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

sadly i really can't count how many times i've been to that bloody place. my gparents live like 20 minutes away from it in iowa. i seriously have been every summer since i was super little. it's so americana... how could you not visit?! :)