I noticed how L.A. is always hanging out in her stroller (or in this case her pak n' play) while we do all thses fun things... poor Lila Anne!!

Here is Preston fishing with his new rod he got for his birthday. My parents bought it for him and they live on a lake, so he gets to fish a lot now :)

Grand Dad and Preston :)

Preston golfing with his new clubs... Tiger Woods in the making....

See, here's L.A. again watching from the confines of her stroller!

Look at that follow through!!!

Daddy and Preston

Now for a game of tennis.

Backhand baby!!

And once again, L.A. in her stroller!!

One picture of Mommy... since I am always taking the pictures (and you can see why!) I had to get in one, so people know that I am still alive!!!

Preston got a new "Big Kid" bike the other day, here he is trying it out!

He is so big now, isn't he?

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