Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

Ahhh... Christmas morning, a time to be with your loved ones, a time to reflect on the past year.... A TIME TO RIP-ROAR THROUGH ALL YOUR PRESENTS AND CREATE THE BIGGEST MESS IN THE HOUSE IN 7.2 SECONDS!!!!!
Preston getting into his stocking.

Taking it all in....


Preston gave Daddy his own VT football- picked it out at school during his Secret Santa shopping trip (how sweet!!)

Mommy and Lila Anne opening gifts

Preston has wanted a Tyrod Taylor jersey forever!!

Lila opening Preston's gift (a ball)

Playing with her new doll house...

Daddy and Lila taking a break. We had to wake Lila up, so she was pretty tired Christmas morning.

Our Babies!!! Merry Christmas, LOVES :)

Just part of the aftermath....

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