Monday, October 19, 2009

Preston's First Day of Kindergarten

OMG! Preston started Kindergarten!! I swear, I really feels like I was just dreading his first day of preschool- and here I was, dreading his first day of Kindergarten!! He did a great job though. He was all afraid and sad, like I thought he would be. He braved the morning, held his haed up high, and got on that big, yellow school bus!!

Here he is in the morning- you can see just how sad and scared he was....

Daddy, Lila, and I went to stalk the school! We were waiting for him there when he got off the bus to say good-bye again and take his picture! It was an awful, rainy, cold morning- but well worth the wait :)

Mommy and L.A. waitingin the rain for him.

A bit out of order.. but thi is him as he was getting on the bus :)

Here he is- big man on campus!

Daddy and Pres after a long first day :)

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