Sunday, February 22, 2009


Just an update on the ol' Biasi Fam-
Lila Anne and I BOTH have double ear infections right now! Good times :) She had been running a fever in the night- a high one, usually around 104- doc said since she was showing no signs of ear pain, or throat pain, that it was probably just stemming from her cold. She was acting fine during the day, it was just at night... something wasn't right...
Well, mother knows best- I took her in after the second night of a high fever and sure enough- both ears infected! We are both on medicine now and are feeling much better today :)
L.A. is also getting a another tooth.... poor thing! It is all swollen up and should pop through any minute.
For those of you that don't know, Ray took a new job a few weeks ago and starts next Monday, on the 2nd. He had been laid off in January, and we were lucky, and blessed to have been offered a wonderful, better job with the government! We are all ready to make the switch and get our normal lives back :)
I think that's it- oh... we signed Preston up for T-Ball this spring! He will have actual practices and games... soooo exciting! The only t-ball stuff he has done in the past has just been the fundamentals of t-ball, he has never had a real team, with uniforms, practices, and games! We cannot wait!!!


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