Every year our town hosts this huge fair called "The Jubilee".... sounds like such hoedown, right? It pretty much is, but we had a pretty good time. There were lot's of rides and fried foods, so it was great ;) We got a chance to eat one of our favorite treats... a fried twinkie!! Hard to find, but the best thing to pass your lips EVER!! If you ever get the chance, you have to indulge!
Here is Mommy sporting her new "Posh" hair cut. Not really like the Posh cut, but that's the best way to describe it. I'll try to get a better picture of it up sometime soon.

Mommy and Preston amazed at the mime.

Aunt Sue and baby B even met us there :)

Baby B getting so big!

The Fam

Daddy and Preston riding Dumbo.

Preston about to embark on a journey....

His first roller coaster ride and he was terrified on it :( You can see him there in the third row back, head down! He was so sad when he came off. He said he was afarid of the hills!! I think it made him a stronger man....

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