Friday, October 19, 2007

Our Little Man

Here is Preston at the beach last week, burying himself in the sand. It's nice that we can still go to the beach in mid October:) Preston is doing so well with preschool. He has his first field trip next thursday to the pumpkin patch! That will be fun:) Mommy and Lila Anne will be joining him. He is learning how to write his letters and numbers. He brings home his schoolwork every thursday, eager to show it to us. It's so cute :) Other than preschool, we have playgroup to attend, doctors appointments to make, workouts to get in, Yoga classes to teach, a house to keep clean, laundry to do... (I do laundry now!) breakfast, lunches and dinners to make, and don't even get me started on nursing 100 times a day and diapers to change... yes, we stay busy these days, and I love it:)

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