Wednesday, October 24, 2007
To Go, or Not To Go....
Well, with all the devastation out in San Diego right now, we are trying to decide what to do. I think Delta is only refunding tickets with travel dates through the 25th, and we are traveling on the 27th. Our main concern is the air quality there for the kids. We were out there during the Cedar Fires, and I remember how the heavy smoke just seeped into our apartment. Not good conditions for little one's. I talked to a friend out there today and she said today is much better and seems to think that it will be even better by Saturday, when we would be arriving. It won't be the sunny, happy trip we were dreaming of. I remember how it was depressing snd somber during the aftermath. I guess we will just wait a few more days before we make a final decision....
Friday, October 19, 2007
A Blog!
A blog... what a great idea! I stole this idea from a friend. (Thanks Mere!) We did it for the same reason though, we ran out of space on the baby website, we can no longer add anything. Here you can keep up with all the fun things our family is doing:)
Our Little Man
Here is Preston at the beach last week, burying himself in the sand. It's nice that we can still go to the beach in mid October:) Preston is doing so well with preschool. He has his first field trip next thursday to the pumpkin patch! That will be fun:) Mommy and Lila Anne will be joining him. He is learning how to write his letters and numbers. He brings home his schoolwork every thursday, eager to show it to us. It's so cute :) Other than preschool, we have playgroup to attend, doctors appointments to make, workouts to get in, Yoga classes to teach, a house to keep clean, laundry to do... (I do laundry now!) breakfast, lunches and dinners to make, and don't even get me started on nursing 100 times a day and diapers to change... yes, we stay busy these days, and I love it:)
How did we get SO blessed?
I honestly don't know how we got so blessed with another terriffic baby. At 7 weeks now, Lila Anne is a carbon copy of Preston, maybe even a little better. She sleeps through most nights, going about 8-10 hours without eating. She is pretty much a text book baby, usually only crying when she is hungry, wet, or tired. We just have to figure out which one it is :) I can't wait to get on with the baby signing! (Most of you probably remember Preston was able to tell us those things at 9 months, by using his sign language... what a great help that was.) We were afraid to have another baby, because Preston was so good and everyone told us that "you just don't get two good babies..." We thought she was going to be a terror. Must be all the prenatal Yoga and meditation, right? I swear by an anti-stress pregnancy:) She is starting to show us her smile now... so magical! She is also conversing with us... making her little baby noises when we talk to her. She is starting to outgrow her newborn stage, kind of sad, but she is getting to be more fun now :) By the the outfit Lisa:)
First Family Trip:)

Attention San Diegans: The Biasi Fam is on our way!! That's right, we will be leaving Norfolk for a week in the sun in San Diego. It will be our first trip back to "America's Finest Ciy" and we cannot wait. Ray is going out there to work (poor thing!) but the rest of us are going for FUN! We are all leaving together, but the kids and I are flying back alone. Wish me luck traveling with everyones carseat, stroller and gear:) Ray is staying a little longer for work. After he returns, we will be making the drive to Maryland to stay for 3 days in Annapolis for my friends wedding! WOW... I am tired just typing that. Two back-to-back trips!! I will have lot's of beautiful San Diego pics. to share with you when we return.
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