Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My new photography website is up and running, and I am open for business :)


Check it out :) I did it all by myself, and am so happy with it!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


So, after some wonderful feedback about my photo's (even from 2 random pro. photographers who stumbled upon my pics. on facebook....), I have decided to go for it, and start my very own photography biz! I already have like 5 people who have asked me to do some pics. for them :) I am going to be working on a website, but in the mean time, I will still be storing all my fav's in my sweet pea blog (link to the right). Wish me luck :)

Easter Dinner at Grandma's

We went to my parents house for Easter Dinner. It was a beautiful day out, so we hid some eggs for the kids and then Preston got to play t-ball with his new bat his G & G got for him :)

Easter Morning

Monday, April 6, 2009

The REAL Egg Hunt :)

Yay! We finally had a nice Easter Egg Hunt in our neighborhood!! It's been rainy and cold the last few years, and this year was beautiful!!!! We had a lot of fun, and the kids scored some great candy in their eggs :)

Happy 32nd Birthday!

Also on Saturday we celebrated Ray's 32nd birthday :) We had a such a wonderful day- with Preston's tball game, lot's of family, treated to dinner, and then back home for some birthday brownies and presents! Happy Birthday Baby- we love you :) PS- you're BY FAR the best lookin' 32 year old we've ever known :)
Blowing out candle.
Ready for brownies!!

Ready for brownies!!
Daddy kisses!!!

Getting presents and cards!
Lila's new BFF

Opening Day- Let's Play Ball!!!!!

This marks Preston's first year playing real T-Ball!!! He play's in the Greenbrier League, for the Texas Rangers! He has kids ages 4-7 on his team. We celebrated opening day this past Saturday and it was beautiful outside! What a perfect day, and TONS of fun. I cannot wait until the next game. He has them 2X a week, so our spring will be FUN!!! He hit 3 times, and came home 3 times, so he played really well- no outs!!!
Here he is warming up!

Love this picture! His team waiting to hit on the bench.
Eye on the ball..

Third base, getting ready to come home :)
Returning to the bench.
Everyone came out to cheer him on :)
Finally someone else takes over the camera for a moment, so people can see that I do exist!!
Go Rangers :)
Daddy has waited almost 5 years for this day- it was a proud moment :)

Family Fit Day :)

Yes, I really have a blog called "Family Fit Day!" Ray loves to go the the highschool next door and run stadium drills and play ball on their field! We took the kids, and they had SO much fun :)

Preston and L.A. setting up the ball for the snap...

What a great shot of Ray running ;)

Here he goes...

Lila Anne thought it was pretty funny when he was doing his push-ups :)

Another time around...

Preston decides that this looks like fun...

So does L.A....

Doin' a little barefoot dance on the track!

Like father, like son!

Go Preston Go! They decided to race! Preston got a bit afraid up there too- it was SO windy, and the stadium is high!!!

Alas, he makes it down...

Then his biggest feat was making sure that the bag didn't blow away- he is scared of that too- he thinks EVERYTHING will blow away, and this upsets him :) God love him :)

Lila Anne loves a good chase... seriously, it's her FAVORITE thing!!
And now being attacked by huge arms :)