Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Fun Warm Day :)
So, these are totally out of order... damn Blogger!! Anyway- they will still make you laugh.... :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mud Fishing
I let Preston play out in the mud one day last week, when we actually had a nice warm day- he had BLAST! He was "mud fishing" he actually caught us dinner that night ;)
Put Me In, Coach!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Turning 30....
So.... I turned 30 yesterday.... I thought I was so ready to make the big change, but as it turned out.. I was wrong (it's been known to happen from time-to-time....) I really want to embrace the new decade- a new "matureness" if you will, but when I woke up yesterday, all I could imagine was how my younger, 20- something self would see me now- married, 2 kids, looking like every other 30 year old woman... how boring??!!
Although, I try to be as "hip" as I can, I know my 20-something self would freak if she knew I sometimes wear my slippers to preschool- hello.... where are the Manolo's?? Not saying I am "frumpy" by any means- it's just that my 20-something self was a different person. It's hard to leave her behind.
What's a "woman" to do? Ahh-Ha- I bring her along for the ride- it's me, but better.... so now I am going to embrace the 30's (still don't like the sound of that- but I am trying...) I am leaving part's of my 20's behind (for good reason...) but am bringing the spunky, high heel friend with me :) I don't have to shop at Chadwick's, I can still be that "cool" mom, only now I will be "sexy" because of my new found "matureness." I can do it- I can be 30, a Mommy, and flaunt around in my heels. I hope to inspire new 30-somethings all around me....
Although, I try to be as "hip" as I can, I know my 20-something self would freak if she knew I sometimes wear my slippers to preschool- hello.... where are the Manolo's?? Not saying I am "frumpy" by any means- it's just that my 20-something self was a different person. It's hard to leave her behind.
What's a "woman" to do? Ahh-Ha- I bring her along for the ride- it's me, but better.... so now I am going to embrace the 30's (still don't like the sound of that- but I am trying...) I am leaving part's of my 20's behind (for good reason...) but am bringing the spunky, high heel friend with me :) I don't have to shop at Chadwick's, I can still be that "cool" mom, only now I will be "sexy" because of my new found "matureness." I can do it- I can be 30, a Mommy, and flaunt around in my heels. I hope to inspire new 30-somethings all around me....
Me at 30
Ahh... the power of Facbebook.... through facebook, I have gotten in touch with a girl that was my BFF in highschool. Sadly, we drifted apart after graduation and haven't really talked for about 9 years!! Wow! Anyway, we have been emailing one another now, and to my wonderful surprise yesterday, I had 4 dozen roses sent to my house... from HER! No one has ever taken me by surprise that way- it made my day, that's for sure :) They are beautiful..... thanks, Dee :)
Learning to Self Feed....
Yay! I am finally learning to use a spoon all on my own... now, I have to admit this is a scary venture for all... it's really quite messy since I like to hold the spoon upside down... so the only food Mommy let's me help with is my super thick yogurt and my cereal in the morning! I totally think I am ready for soup... but I digress....

Monday, March 2, 2009
Clara Grace Biasi
Yay! We have a niece :) Ray's brother, Michael and his wife, Katie gave birth last night to a beautiful, healthy baby girl! They hadn't found out the sex, so we were in suspense all day, waiting to hear. Everything went smoothly and hopefully we will be able to meet little Clara soon! Congrats Michael and Katie :)
Sick Day
Oh no- like we havn't had enough going on these past few weeks- now we all have the stomach flu... puking and all :( Good times!!! I am starting to feel better, but little Preston was up all night throwing up and is still not back to his usual happy, healthy self. I am SO lucky that Lila Anne is such a great baby- she has watched about 5 different Elmo DVD's today- just one of those days. She is coping with a SERIOUS diaper rash too.. does the fun ever end?
Ray started his job today; he is already on his way home! Since it "snowed" today, there wasn't a whole lot of action there and the government was on a 2 hour delay, so most of people he needed to talk to weren't there today!! Luckily though, he can come home a rest some more- he was sick as a dog yesterday!!
Ray started his job today; he is already on his way home! Since it "snowed" today, there wasn't a whole lot of action there and the government was on a 2 hour delay, so most of people he needed to talk to weren't there today!! Luckily though, he can come home a rest some more- he was sick as a dog yesterday!!
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