Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Let's go Terps! (Even though they ruined their chance at the ACC title...)

Yay! It "snowed" in the 757!!!! Yea, it lasted about 2 mins... but still, it was pretty and the kids were excited :)

This is how L.A. wakes up on most mornings!!! No Bed Head needed!! hahha

More Terps!!!

Playing one night while Ray was on "Daddy Duty!" They have lot's of fun when Mommy is out :)

Playing in a box is always fun :)

Preston playing Fireman!!! He has SUCH an imagination these days!! I love it!!

Playhouse Disney Live :)

We took the kids a few weeks ago to see Playhouse Disney Live! It was great! The kids both enjoyed it. Lila didn't make a peep, other than laughing at the show. It was done really well, and we had a BALL!!!
The whole clan:
Lila Anne- sporting her Disney Princess Jacket!
Preston- had such a great time!
Tigger!! Our fav!!!

The stage!


Sorry I have not been blogging! I do have pics to post though of LA walking and such! I promise I will get on it soon!!! Been busy recently. I have made posts to the Sweet Pea blog though, if you want to check that one out (there's a link on the right side of this blog).
Other than that- things are great here :) I will update soon- and Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Gobble Gobble!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

We have a.....

WALKER!!!! Yay! L.A. is finally walking!! It happened overnight, I swear. It was Monday while I was at Yoga, and has been ever since! She still crawls around too, but she can walk clear across a room, no problem! I will try to post a video when I get a minute :)
Also, she has 2 bottom teeth (her first!) all the way through now! I think she has one coming through on the top too! Everything all at once!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just a Couple of Celebs....

We went to a Halloween party Saturday night as Carrie Bradshaw (Sex & the City) and Ty Penington (Extreme Home Makeover.)

"Good Morning Biasi Family..."

Happy Halloween :)

This year we decided to dress up to take the kids trick-or-treating....
This was afterwards at Grandma and Grandad's.

Our pretty lil' butterfly :)

Just floating around...

Preston was a super scary Darth Vader... "I am your fatha..."

The fam pre- trick-or-treating.

Mommy and L.A.

These are a little backwards, but this is how we started the day, at Preston's preschool. He had a party! Look how cute they are together!

L.A. playing a prechool! She can't wait to go one day!!