Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Love Nest...

We truly have the ultimate romantic bedroom now! The shelf above the bed with the sign that reads,
"Love is Spoken Here" is my Valentine gift from Ray. It is so beautiful. When I walked in, I just fell in love with it! Too bad I didn't move my clothes off the bed before I took the pics., but you can see how great it looks... we love being in our bedroom! I just had to share it with you all:) I have a GREAT husband! I love him with all my heart! Thanks, Baby!

My Valentine Babies!

Here are my most prized possessions! Preston was quite the ham during this photo shoot, Lila... not so much, but we still got some great shots!

Feeling a little scruffy....

Just when we thought Preston still had years before he indulged in his first shave, he tells us that he is "feeling pretty scruffy" and needs to go shave! This was a present for being so good during his V-Day pictures! He loves it and even got up and shaved this morning with Daddy.

Be mine, Cali

Cali got all pretty for V-Day , spending the weekend at her Doggy Spa!


East Coast boy at his finest :) Haha

Eattin' Tme

So, Lila is now the little eater that could! She is loving her solid foods. Here, she is trying out peas for the first time... not her favorite, but she still ate a few spoonfuls! She doesn't really turn down much! She loves to eat and is very good at it :)

Wait a minute, this is SO not fair... Preston gets ICECREAM??

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lila Anne

Chubby Cheeks!!
Yummy Hand!!

Hey, where did this hat come from? Go Terps!!

Such a happy baby :)

Outside Time

We got to get out today and enjoy the warm weather we've been having the last few days :) It's been in the 70's here. So nice!! Today we brought Preston's kite outside...

And football...

And little sister...

Daddy even got in on all the action

Play Ball!!
Daddy and L.A.

Jammie Time :)

Night time with Preston and Lila Anne

Monday, February 4, 2008

More Bumbo

Check out the cool addition Mommy got for my Bumbo Chair. Now I can play with my toys while sit here... which is not often anymore, as lately I have been on a "chair strike." I no longer like to go in ANY of my things. I just want Mommy (& ONLY Mommy) to hold me all day... and I know she LOVES it :) It's not like she has anything else to do!

Lila Anne Turns 5 Months Old

Happy 5 Months Lila Anne!!

It's hard being 5 Months old! Take me back to the good ol' days!!

Cali's Tummy Time

Cali just wanted to say thank you to Grandma and Grandpa B. for the tummy time mat :)

The Not-So-Winter Wonderland

We only go ta very small dusting, but Preston thought it was a lot of snow :) He has never really seen any snow, that he can remember, that is. Anyway, he had fun during the short time it lasted!!