Thursday, January 17, 2008

More Cousin Time

Lila Anne and Preston both really like when Baby Brayden comes over to visit! He is getting so big now. Hard to believe that he is 3 months younger than L.A.! We think he is weighing around 12 lbs. now. L.A. weighed in at 12 lbs. 9 oz. at her 4 month appointment! CRAZY!! I guess she is just a little shrimp! Look at the babies holding hands.. aren't they just too cute?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Someone Get This Baby Some Clothes!!

Not that we are complaining, but really, is it January?? It was 75 degrees when we took our Christmas tree down. Lila Anne worked up a sweat helping out :)

Another Milestone

YAY!!! Way to go Lila Anne!! She sat up today for the first time :) She has been practicing now for a few days, but today she actully lasted longer than 2 seconds. She was VERY proud of herself and I was able to capture the moment all on film.... Look Mom, no Bumbo Chair!!!
Here is Lila enjoying her Johnny Jump Up!

What do I do???
This is how you have to do it Lila....