Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve

Getting ready to leave Grandma's
Matching jammies!
Mommy and kids

The Fam

Daddy and his Babies
Lila Anne
Santa and Mrs. Claus
So cute!!

Mommy and her Babies

Princess Lila
The Handsome Prince
Daddy and his "Mini Me"
Mommy and Lila Anne

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Baby Dolls

L.A and Brayden chillin on the couch

Lila is trying to eat Brayden's head!!
Brayden is not too happy about this...

Cute cousins :)

Christmas Party

Daddy and L.A at Ray's work Christmas party

So Pretty

The Big School Play

Preston had his first Christmas program at preschool last friday. It was wonderful. They all did an AMAZING job. I was very impressed. Preston was a sheep and sang all of his songs and did all the right moves at the right time. Then he quickly put his hands back in his pockets... he was so cute up there, he brought tears to my eyes. I was a proud mom, for sure :)

Preston Loves His Artwork

And Girls??
This is what Preston had to say about his gingerbread picture... I never laughed so hard, and it is hanging up in the hallway at school.

This is the first person he drew! So cute :)

Too Cool for School

Such a little dude!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Season's Greetings

Happy Holidays, from our 90 pound, big, black, hairy BEAST :) We love you, Cali!

Summer in December??

Mommy and "LA" hanging out at the beach... can you believe it was 80 degrees in December... who needs California??
Preston playing in the sand
Preston and Mommy building sand castles
The beach at Oak Grove Lake Park
Lila Anne- Bright eyes, and still 2 different colors. The right one is blue and the left one is hazel :)
Chubby Cheekies!
Daddy and Preston
Daddy and Preston throwing rocks
"There it is, Buddy"

A New Taste

Oh, the horror! That's right, we gave Lila her first taste of the good life... rice cereal! At 3 1/2 months our pediatrician would have my "you know what!!" But, mother knows best:)

See how much she liked it??
Preston even got in on the action and ate his green beans :)

Monday, December 3, 2007

A Walk in the Cold

We got all bundled up and went for a walk the other night... it was CHILLY!! Welcome to winter in VA, Lila Anne!

Watching the Hokies with Daddy